
About the ND SLDS Research Workgroup

The North Dakota SLDS Research Workgroup is made up of individuals from across all agencies with data included in the SLDS, such as ND DPI, NDUS, and Job Service. Our primary focus is the development of useful research utilizing the Statewide Longitudinal Data System to the benefit of all levels of education and workforce development in North Dakota.


A list of research priorities is to be published on the SLDS Research site, and is designed to be relatively high level, with specific research to be completed under the areas in finer detail. The following is a list of items compiled by the SLDS Research Workgroup for discussion during the SLDS Committee meeting.

  1. What are the impacts of chronic absenteeism on K-12 students in North Dakota?
  2. Choice ready students
    • What indicators relate to postsecondary and career readiness in North Dakota?
    • What are the outcomes of Choice Ready graduates compared to non-Choice Ready graduates? Wages, employment rates, postsecondary enrollment, retention, completion rates.
  3. What is the impact of hybrid/distance learning on K-12 students in North Dakota?
    • What student groups saw the most profound impact of COVID-19?
    • What learning modality had the highest/lowest student engagement during the pandemic?
    • What region, grade level, and student groups saw the sharpest decline in mathematics and ELA?
    • Is there any correlation between learning models and academic decline or growth?
  4. Curricular Breadth
    • What are the differences in the availability of and enrollment in coursework in the arts, social sciences, sciences, technology, computer science, and world languages?
    • Advanced Rigorous Coursework – What are the differences in the availability of and enrollment in advanced, rigorous coursework; Advanced Placement, dual enrollment programs; and gifted and talented programs?
  5. What are the impacts of state scholarships and student loan repayment programs? Are recipients graduating, staying is state, working?
  6. NDUS scholarship retention
    • Are students retaining their scholarship year over year?

Standard annual data reports

  1. Postsecondary outcomes for North Dakota High School graduates
    • Postsecondary enrollment, retention, completion rates
  2. Employment outcomes for NDUS degree completers/high school graduates
    • Wages, employment rates, occupation, state of employment
  3. High demand occupations
    • Are there enough graduates from NDUS/high schools to meet high demand occupations in North Dakota?
  4. CTE Concentrator research
    • Fields of study in postsecondary, employment outcomes

Before making any requests for data or research to be performed, please review the ND SLDS Research Policies and Procedures to familiarize yourself with our guidelines for performing research and/or collecting data.

ND SLDS Research Policies and Procedures


Data and Research Request Form


Please use the following form to request research or data. All requests will be reviewed carefully and responded to by the ND SLDS Research Workgroup, which meets twice per month.  Research requests will be considered for approval based on the following criteria:

  1. Is the research a priority for the participating agencies in the SLDS?
  2. Will the research be of benefit for the state of North Dakota?
  3. Has the data requested been prepared for research?
  4. Do the contributing agencies approve of the request?

Please check to review publicly available data sets and determine if they fit your data needs prior to submitting research/data request.

North Dakota SLDS Research/Data Request Form